Thursday, November 10, 2005


I realized today that all I do is serve people....all day...almost everyday...

and not the good, not helping people

like giving them coffee....or beer....or shots....


And that's all I've been doing with my life lately...

...besides seducing cute boys....

but that's a givin. (HA)


ash said...

you indirect killer!!! I still love ya, yea for Sheesha!

Anonymous said...

yea sheesha....

you should come get some death caffine today....I'll be bored and I dont wanna do anything there today.

Austin said...

Barb, you're my favourite long term murderer

Ange said...

you can kill me anyday. I do the same thing, I take lots of their money and make them feel as though they need things that they really dont.

Austin said...

hey hey I sold cigarettes and booze, I'm the most direct murderer among you :P

Anonymous said...

i sell booze...and give them change to gamble on the video lottery things...and I sell caffine...and I give them greasy food....Austin...Ange...we could take over the entire world

B + J said...

I just apply colored chemicaly toxic material on the walls of their homes. i feel so outclassed. i'll make up for it when i'm a dentist.

Anonymous said...

boob first of all i didn't read your reasoning, but i like starbucks. i feel hip. cause you know thats all i go for. hipness. just like when you fell on your hiop and broke it about an hour ago and hen i say an hour i mean 3 minutes ago. oh gee whiz.

im excited for 3 am.