Thursday, December 15, 2005

Remind me...

Why do we share a name again???


de_lovely_marie said...

its the legs

Anonymous said...

sweeeeeeeeet yo's

the thing is that THAT barbie doesn't have to shave her legs....maybe she waxes....

B + J said...

i think its because you are both made of plastic. and you both can't bend at the knees....i only know that becasue people have told me of course....

Anonymous said...

I cant believe you found out my secret....

de_lovely_marie said...

speaking of barbies....

you need to get me a Ghetto Barbie from your pub

Snap Weddings :: Vancouver Island Wedding Photography and Videography. Calgary Wedding Photography and Videography said...

Its because you are so freaking hot!
Barbie.....I hope that your weekend is going well even though we left you allllll by yourself :(
Loooooove you baby barb!

Barb said...

a) hows about Tuesday Shannon?? if you guys come in while Im working I can give you discounts and Matt will be there and he can make them

b) Ash my weekend is fiiiiinnnne
I went to my massage and ended up with shorter hair...go figger

Ange said...

woot. you didnt even put up original barbie. SAD.

Anonymous said...

I know...but original Barbie is blonde..and I'm not blonde...

Anonymous said...

boob..if i remember correctly to my barbie days...( meaning last week ) i do think that picture is of theresa. because like angela said barbie is that isn't you. and now im mumbled and jumbled in my thoughts..but basically i remember that your true hair color is blonde..shoot.