Saturday, October 22, 2005

Austin - You are a god among men!


ok Austin...I have seen these 'things I can do/cant do/ whatever' survey things...but none other that I have seen made me want to do one as much as yours did. So I took the picture that you has displaying yourself...and used it to mak a point. :)
Lets do this thang...

Things I can do

1. Make zillions of lattes per minute
2. Make Racheal cry whenever I want her to!
3. Dominate Tetris
4. Eat more than most people.... :S
5. Fight Wiens and win.

Things I cannot do

1. Fly
2. Reach the top cupboards in my kitchen
3. whistle and eat crackers at the same time
4. hotwire cars
5. Think of something else that I can't do...lets be real friggen amazing.

Things that attract me to the opposite sex

1. Funny
2. Nice
3. Fun
4. Faith
5. (lets be serious) hotness

Celebrity crushes

1. Ryan of my life...breaker high to notebook...ryan, i have always loved you
2. Bubble Boy/Donnie Darko...(whats his real name?) I would marry bubble boy...really
3. David Bowie..if everyone was honest with themselves they would all find a passionate love in their souls for Ziggy Stardust.
Right, Jack and Linds!?!
4. Chad Micheal Murray...but in Freaky Friday..MMmmm so hot...
5. Brad Pitt AND Angelina...can I do that?
6. Garry Bruce....but in a way where he can be my dad and I can get so much free munchies from Kettle Corn...

People I want to do this next

1. Mike...o man...Im imagining what youd write...God save the bloggers
2. Jackie..because I really wanna know....what CAN'T you do?!?!?!
3. Lesley - thanks for letting me borrow that knife, by the way.
4. Nathan...what CAN you do?!?!?!
5. Richard Barley....holy crap it would be funny


de_lovely_marie said...

hey my band hoe
lets make creepy obsessive posters expressing our undying love for rock and shallow lust for boys with guitars.

ash said...

hey aussie girl, lookinh forward to some extreme shopping, I wrote you girls a note check out my blog.

Austin said...

jake gyllenhaal = donnie darko

yay, I'm a God among men!

Anonymous said...

hmm what can't i do...... lets find out, shall we??
~I tried dating four boys at the same time once. That was actually successful! muah ha ha ha
I'll let you know about more soon
~Jaka :)