Monday, October 31, 2005

The Art of Spooning

Ahh spooning. What is spooning? Spooning is a kind of horizontal hug, two bodies curling up so they both fit perfectly into each other's--like two spoons in a drawer!
Never spooned before? Well, fear not! Expert spooners, Barb Legault, Rachael van Rij and Chantelle Walsh will guide you through the Standard Spoon for beginners and carefully lead you to more complex and adventuresome spoons including the Chair Spoon and the Artful Spoon (not for beginners), as well as Seasonal Spoons for those holiday get togethers.
But always be careful while spooning...if things get too heated...well we all know what happens

Anyways, the key to a good spoon is a tight formation. Our trained professional, Dr. Dr Mangosteen will guide you through the easy steps to spooning like the stars. Or under the stars!
With helpful tips on simple pleasures to set--and keep--a romantic, spoonful mood, The Art of Spooning will bring out the spooner in even you!
Now, as you can see in this picture below, there is a mutal curved position of the bodies with the 'outer spooner' wraps their arm around the 'inner spooner'.

Now to make this really work, you have to be sure to keep a tight formation. (see below photo)

Thats basically all that there is to spooning...
So now you all know how to spoon, why not call a few friends and have a good ol' fashion spooning party! But remember: Spooning leads to Forking...which leads to kniving...which leads to a new set of teaspoons...and nobody wants that.

a prime example of someone getting carried away and beginning to fork

Sunday, October 30, 2005

ABC's for Angela

A- Ange, you inspired something
B- beautiful inside of
C- create this just for you.
D- do do da do
E- Every day I miss you but
F- folk dancing keeps my busy but I'm
G- going crazy because polk music is bad for the brain
H- Hate is the feeling I have for it...
I- I have an awesome story for you (a true one...)
J- Jason Wiens broke me today...I was
K- Kicking his asleep
L- Leg...and so he grabbed my kicking leg and threw
M- Me to the ground...well, unintentionally (says Jason)
N- Never shall I forgive if my body is permanently damaged
O- dont understand how funny it was though...
P- Probably the best you've yet seen...but then, you have seen
Q- Quite the amazing things you have
R- Rhinos....
S- clue what you've seen...
T- Tell me sometime ok?
U- Umbrella was the only U word I could think of....just as
V- .....nevermind.....
W- what a sick mind you have there!!! I was going to
Y- yes.that is truth
Z- zzzzzz (im asleep now)

Ange..that was for you because I also have no life....or at least...very little

Friday, October 28, 2005

Wow. This is amazing.

Who is this man and where can I get his autograph???

Thursday, October 27, 2005


All this html talk makes me want to strive to have the most boring blog imaginable. All the work you people put into making links look purty....crazy talk. What happened to the simpler times? I mean really? What are we proving by having super sexy blogs anyways? Trying to prove you're the biggest nerd, Mike? wanna be a BIGGER nerd? Weenz....this makes you a nerd in training. NIT....nits are baby lice by the way - lice larve...
Ashley(s) I think we are the only ones un-tainted by the html war...........something to be proud of..


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Countdown Begins!

As of RIGHT NOW...I leave in:


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

chelsea are a young Ellen

Forgive me. I'm overtired...

I was just sent this picture of my old camper...she thought she looked like an alien...I say Ellen DeGeneres as a 13 year old.

Chelsea...I'm sorry but the world has to see this...I know that you may hunt me down..but maybe then we can go on our date....

that's all I have to say...I need sleep

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Best Way to Quit My Job

Yes....I'm already thinking about how I'm going to do it. Friday, December the 16th.
Working at Second Cup has not exactly been the highlight of my young life, and yes I'm looking for a new / second job. Anyways, one of the managers and I were talking before about how she was going to quit...sadly she did the traditional "two weeks notice"...ANYWAYS: I have decided that I have to make a huge throw a chillatte at a customer...or a boss...
maybe even throw the barista machine on the floor. Point being that I have to make the most amazing scene of horrid work ethics ever displayed in a real live public situation.

Any ideas?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Austin - You are a god among men!


ok Austin...I have seen these 'things I can do/cant do/ whatever' survey things...but none other that I have seen made me want to do one as much as yours did. So I took the picture that you has displaying yourself...and used it to mak a point. :)
Lets do this thang...

Things I can do

1. Make zillions of lattes per minute
2. Make Racheal cry whenever I want her to!
3. Dominate Tetris
4. Eat more than most people.... :S
5. Fight Wiens and win.

Things I cannot do

1. Fly
2. Reach the top cupboards in my kitchen
3. whistle and eat crackers at the same time
4. hotwire cars
5. Think of something else that I can't do...lets be real friggen amazing.

Things that attract me to the opposite sex

1. Funny
2. Nice
3. Fun
4. Faith
5. (lets be serious) hotness

Celebrity crushes

1. Ryan of my life...breaker high to notebook...ryan, i have always loved you
2. Bubble Boy/Donnie Darko...(whats his real name?) I would marry bubble boy...really
3. David Bowie..if everyone was honest with themselves they would all find a passionate love in their souls for Ziggy Stardust.
Right, Jack and Linds!?!
4. Chad Micheal Murray...but in Freaky Friday..MMmmm so hot...
5. Brad Pitt AND Angelina...can I do that?
6. Garry Bruce....but in a way where he can be my dad and I can get so much free munchies from Kettle Corn...

People I want to do this next

1. Mike...o man...Im imagining what youd write...God save the bloggers
2. Jackie..because I really wanna know....what CAN'T you do?!?!?!
3. Lesley - thanks for letting me borrow that knife, by the way.
4. Nathan...what CAN you do?!?!?!
5. Richard Barley....holy crap it would be funny

Friday, October 21, 2005

Me and Ash's day with the squirrels

Ok. So when I first got here, to Calgary, me and Ash went on a nice little tour! So we hung out in Kensington and stuff and had a picture tour/walk around the river,....and foudn squirrells....ok. So the reason this is even ON here is that I found the pics and I thought they were blog worthy...

Anyways, we found these rodents and we thought they would make for a good I cleverly lured them over with a handful of leaves.
and then they came too close...and I was scared...after the pic with me in it....I ran away...

Thats the whole story.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Proving My Point

Ashley - I rest my NEED a weenie dog.

To start things off...

I have nothing to say besides settling a small argument that arose during a Flames/Oilers game here in my Calgary home.
Ashley, in her blog, posted a poll asking 'viewers' which kind of dog she should get...however, she didnt include weener dogs in this poll. weener dogs! how do you not include them? They're way more awesome than any of the stupid lame dogs you have on there Ashley...and you know it...

Anyways, all I really wanted to say is:


and if you dont get one I may have to hunt you down.... :D