Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm coming home..

A lot of people have been asking me about what I'm doing this fall... slash the rest of my life.

Here it goes (last I checked)
  1. Go home and live with my mum (super cheap..and you ALL know I love curfews!!)
  2. Get a job...or more than one...I'm that poor and I have that much time on my hands.
  3. If all goes well, I'll pick up some classes at Malaspina (Mum doesn't charge rent if I'm in school!)
  4. Live to see next summer....I hate winter and if I get hypothermia I might take my own life. Or looking back on my track record in life....snowboarding MIGHT just do me i this year.
  5. Get a sweet tan...(Did I hear a Caleb say AUSTRALIA?...or was that Italy?)
  6. Go to Malaspina full time next Spetember....haha spetember? Sweet. Yah I want to get my BEd. MMmmm bed....super tired...
  7. Get married....no Neil..I won't die alone... SO THERE! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
  8. Live to see my 73rd birthday...
That's all I got..

Now here is a sweet picture of me and a pitchfork

Monday, August 07, 2006

I Cook Peoples Food...


Anyways, I'm now at qwanoes....dispite the love/hate thing and the "im not going back" thing. Im here for the rest of summer basically. Right now, im in the kitchen...well not NOW now...this week Im working in the kitchen - and challenge course. So if you want me ... come here and see me. Im in a bubble that doesn't seem to be poppable from the inside.

kailem, Malissa, chantelle....this means you..

rachael..Im not in Rm304 .....308 poop