Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving in Lethbridge

Dave on the way back from Lethbridge
Right before we got hit by the semi...just kidding
This was at a toll booth somewhere in BC...the sign says, "Do Not Drink"
Me and Sheridan...smooshed in the weenie truck
My lovely Sheridan....Chris, this one was for you!
dave and my neice (Mackenzie) and nephew (Dawson).
Me (and Dave) at Boston Pizza in Lethbridge...I ahve heaps more of pics from that night...mostly cute coupley ones...let me know if you want one (There is a really cute Chris/Sheridan one, adn an awesome Nicole/Dan one)
Me, Mackenzie and Dawson
Dawson playing under Dave's chair
My sister Beckie and I

So yeah...there is a sampling of the Lethbrige pictures I have... enjoy!


Barb said...

Don't you worry your little head. There was a MUCH worse picture of you...the one you toook yourself! SEE!!! I am a GREAT little sister

Barb said... least your kids look cute!!!!

hey...were they adopted ;)

Anonymous said...

Beware young lady..... I'm going to get you at Dad's

Wha haha ahaha ha ahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Can you send me the photo of ME and Sheridan and Me that would be neat, as well as the one of Dan and Nicole for my rents

Anonymous said...

those are some sexy hitch-hikers dave picked up there. wonder how he pulled that off? hope you are doing well over on the island. too bad you weren't at the 40th anniversary...we could have caused some whoo we should talk sometime..
peace out hommie G
-gangsta sherdizzle
ps- loved the christmas card, thanks!! your way ahead of me on that one