Sunday, July 02, 2006

If you haven't noticed...

I gave my blog a facelift...

I'll try to keep more "on top" of this blog's been a while, so to get back in the groove of things might take a while... we'll see I thought that I wouldn't get a sunburn here because Australia was all hardcore withtheir 'no o zone' and such...anyways, thats a lie..

aloe vera? My new best friend.

Shannon...consider yourself forked....happy late bday


Anonymous said...

the southern hemp misses thee

Barb said... heart misses THEE! Where art thou mine beautiful!?!

de_lovely_marie said...

thanks barbster!!!
we need to hang out again good buddy

Barb said...

yes. yes we doo shannypooh...I think that was a poem.
I'll have to make a buisness trip to Calgary...and by buisness I mean pleasure...

Anonymous said...

oh barbella.
i is in new zealand. wishing i was in caaaanada. but no,
uni will keep me hostage for at least another year.... i need to call you.
slash email me a number.........
