Thursday, April 27, 2006


I'm SO sorry that I never ever write in this.

Anyways...we got back from 2 week break 2 weeks ago... I made little to no money...but I had fun. Too much fun.

i got kissed by a boy...
got a moblile phone...
got a package from home....
came back to school to find out 2 of my buddies are DATING (YAY)...

did I meantion I was kissed?

011 614 3967 9984 is my phone #

I have no time to BLOG but Ill see you all in a few months...aka summer....
to retrieve my clothes and guitar etc from Calgary....and yeah....weddings etc.
Love you all


Ange said...

totally have you beat.. ive been kissed by 4 boys ... so far.. hah.

Barb said...

Ange...I know your stories. t isk tisk

just kidding...but you know my story too...BAHAHA

Man o man

I heard you kissed the english guy...hahaha

Anonymous said...

now now girls, not too much kissing ;-}

Nah never mind....Kiss all the frogs in the pond if you know what I mean.

Snap Weddings :: Vancouver Island Wedding Photography and Videography. Calgary Wedding Photography and Videography said...

Ouu do tell about the kisses!
Barb I can't wait to see you! When are you going to be back in our home again for a vist?

Miss you!

Tara said...

lucky you, I haven't even come close to kissing anyone. In a long time, lol. I live in a nunnery pretty much.

B + J said...

you guys are pitiful.


Barb said...

brock - you're pitiful..

Ashley - I'll arrive June 27th at 11am i think ...if Im remembering rightly.

Ange - you ARE kissing every frog in the pond...aren't you?!?!

Anonymous said...

excuse me.
come to nz
right now.
dont go home.


Ange said...

almost every frog.. and yes.. bloody english.. and tack another irishman to my list... ahem that makes 3 irish... frick i love em... anyways.. let me tell you a story about a boy who is from Chilliwack that is flying out to NZ.. thats right.. to visit me.. ahhhhH!!! what do i do!!!!!

Barb said...

...kiss him too...?

Ange said...

hah done and done...